Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

It is the Great Pumpkin's newest little helper, Sara!

We had a decent weekend despite the odd weather around here. Sara is doing well at 5 months ... we had her weighed Monday and she is 18 lb 4 oz... quite the growing girl. She is also exercising some new tricks lately. She rolled from her front to her back, and grand total of once.. not repeated again like the rolling onto her stomach which is pretty much how she plays exclusively now. She has also learned how to rotate around her stomach now working from one (chew) toy to another. It is pretty cute, especially since it happens slowly, so you really only notice when you aren't watching the whole time.

Sara was also quite excited that her St. Louis Cardinals won the World Series... definitely a highlight.

Other than that she is still working on getting over that cold.. and I am beginning to think that she might have taught it some new tricks, because it feels like it is back for round two with me... and I got rid of it a week ago... I thought! Ah well, Danette seems to have mostly escaped this one, which is great.

Happy trick or treating Posted by Picasa


Thursday, October 26, 2006

big fun

So, Sara has had big fun the last 10 days or so.... Grandma D. was here for 4 days over last weekend and spent some time catching up with her granddaughter. All accounts are that fun was had by all... I mean look at that tongue! Michael Jordan couldn't do better driving to the hoop in the middle of a Game 7 finals.... and speaking of sports... go Cards!!!!!!

Sara is just about over cold #2 of the season, though still a little junk in her chest.... she did a lot of sleeping the last week, probably partially related to the cold and also the fact that we think she may have grown almost another inch. She is also starting to exert her own opinions now... ocassional bursts of crying seem to be a little more directed... but she also reached out for me for the first time this week when I picked her up at day care, she is leaning in to give "kisses", and this morning she turned off the light to a room without being shown how... actually she reaches her free arm out looking for a light switch pretty much any time we left a room in the last day or so.

Teething is also an ongoing process... and sleeping through the night is a thing of the past... though mostly for us, because sometimes she is just talking or screaming in her sleep for no apparent reason... but we wake up and go check on her regardless. We are hoping that once this cold is over she'll sleep a little more, and after she cuts a tooth or two. Anyway, the days of pictures of toothless grins are numbered, so enjoy them while you can. Posted by Picasa


Sunday, October 15, 2006

mmmm rice!

I'd promise to not post any more pics of Sara eating... but that wouldn't work, because they are too much fun! She really likes the rice cereal and gobbles it all up.

The last week was pretty standard, all went reasonably well, if too fast. It turned cold, and flurries were in the air Thursday morning... sleet on Saturday.

Friday night Sara had her first baby-sitters. Nothing but full-fledged experience for her first time... one of them is even a grandparent... and the other has their eldest in college. Reports are that she did well and the sitters in question enjoyed themselves thoroughly as well. We were off to a wedding, and that turned out well. It was at a suburban country club that apparently will be hosting the President for a fund-raiser in the next couple weeks.

Sara and her father are fighting off the next round of colds... hopefully we will have them licked before her Grandma D. shows up for a visit the end of the week. Posted by Picasa


Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sara and Grandma

We got back from Midland last night and successfully avoided the Michigan - Michigan State game traffic... even got in a quick stop at Birch Run. We took this picture of Sara with Grandma H. before we left.

Today we did the usual weekend stuff and got in a really nice walk... it was about 70 degrees here today and just perfect.

Sara has been gnawing on us and her toys more the last few days... we are starting to wonder if the teething process has begun. According to one site we are in the primetime for it to start... only time will tell. Sara also had her first rice cereal at home in her high-chair. She did well with it... but still thinks of it as an appetizer to the real stuff...

Later this week... Sara will have her first baby-sitter so that Danette and I can go to a wedding... that'll be a first outing for us too!

Have a good week. Posted by Picasa


Saturday, October 07, 2006

growing girl update

blogger foiled an attempt earlier in the week to upload a pic and another update... oh well. Sara had her 4 month appointment last Tuesday and she weighed in at 17lb 1oz and 26 inches long! Doubled her birth weight already. She is doing really well and got another set of immunizations, which sent her for a bit of a loop, but she snapped back in about a day or so. She is rolling to both her left and right from her back to her front.... hasn't figured out the front to back yet, but she'll get there. Yesterday she was making crawling like movements (w/o getting any traction) so we'll see how long that takes...

Otherwise, a cute and happy girl. Posted by Picasa


adventures in Michigan

Well, we made a quick trip up to Midland to see Sara's grandma and great-grandma this weekend, and have had some adventures. Everyone seems to be doing well, and Sara's great-grandma was interested to see her for the first time yesterday.

Yesterday also included another first - rice cereal! mostly all over the face, but she seemed interested if not all too sure what to do with it. We will head back today and try to time our travels so that we pass through Ann Arbor during the Michigan-Michigan State game to hope the traffic is a little better than it would be before or after.

And yes, Sara is interested in her toes too! Posted by Picasa


Sunday, October 01, 2006

rolling video

Here is the video clip of Sara rolling over for the 3rd(?) time.

It has been downgraded to fit on YouTube, but it still is pretty obvious... it is only 13 seconds long.
