Happy 3rd Birthday
This girl has her birthday game face ON!
Abby is clear about who the princess in the house is...
The first time Sara has bought a gift of her own choosing, with her own money... her little sister loves it!
Abby had a great birthday. We had a small party with some friends on Saturday and today schools were closed for President's day, so we were all home. We hit the Science museum and because it was also the 50th Anniversary of another Ohio citizen's first orbit around the Earth (John Glenn) there was an astronaut (Gregory Johnson) there to meet people and talk about that historic event. Abby is clearly a growing girl, 37.5 lbs and 38 inches. Still shorter than Sara at this point, but she is slowly and steadily catching up... Abby is having a lot of fun and school and especially in her swimming and dance/gymnastics classes. She is a very well coordinated monkey, through and through. Abby loves her sister incredibly strongly and they usually get along - when they don't well Abby is probably helping mix it up.
Hard to believe that she is three already... she can't wait for elementary school with her sister in 2.5 years, but I think we'll try to hold on to this for a while.
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