Friday, November 30, 2007

18 months

Okay, so what has happened with Sara

(1) she talks more... I figure within three months or less, the non-stop jabbering will begin, and begin to quite intelligible... she has lots of words... though I am proud to say that a few months ago 'Moon' was one of the first ones that she squarely placed with an object she could find.... and speaking of the sky, she likes to look up and find airplanes when she hears them... hmmm, sounds like someone else I know...

(2) Growing like a weed.

(3) Fast, squirmy and knows what she wants

(4) LOVES books... this is really fun, though some books get a little old for the parents.

(5) Helped cook on Thanksgiving weekend... actually helped make biscuits from scratch with Dad.

(6) Cracks herself up... this is really funny

(7) has been into numbers lately, as in pointing to them in books and choosing those books a lot to read

(8) likes to say "sit" but often substitutes an "sh" sound for the "s"

(9) loves to call for her Gigi's (grandmas) and to want to call them on the phone or webcam... also very excited to see grandpas too (no consistent name for them yet)

(10) Thoroughly addicted to the Elf videos... would sit and dance with them all day if we let her. She will point towards the computer room and do a little dance while say 'da' 'da' to get us to start it up.

(11) a climbing fiend

(12) very into helping lately... even at day care where she loves to help take out (read: drag out) the trash at the end of the day

(13) lots and lots of other stuff that I am leaving out because I am lame and don't keep up with the blogging while busier than I would like to be most days.

(14) is 18 months old... how crazy is that

Oh, and a couple of pics...

Compare that with this classic pic from a year ago when she was just starting to spend a lot of time sitting up, mostly on her own.


succumbed to the elfing

I am not proud, but the elfing continues to spread around the world...

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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Halloween costume

She's a Ladybug.. (buh buh)

No more words... off to airport... UCLA ready or not, here I come.
