Sunday, October 15, 2006

mmmm rice!

I'd promise to not post any more pics of Sara eating... but that wouldn't work, because they are too much fun! She really likes the rice cereal and gobbles it all up.

The last week was pretty standard, all went reasonably well, if too fast. It turned cold, and flurries were in the air Thursday morning... sleet on Saturday.

Friday night Sara had her first baby-sitters. Nothing but full-fledged experience for her first time... one of them is even a grandparent... and the other has their eldest in college. Reports are that she did well and the sitters in question enjoyed themselves thoroughly as well. We were off to a wedding, and that turned out well. It was at a suburban country club that apparently will be hosting the President for a fund-raiser in the next couple weeks.

Sara and her father are fighting off the next round of colds... hopefully we will have them licked before her Grandma D. shows up for a visit the end of the week. Posted by Picasa



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