Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sara rolled over!

Yup... she rolled over today.  I was getting out of my car in the garage and the cell phone rang... and Danette was telling me that she just rolled over from her back onto her tummy.  (guess she didn't hear the door go up...)  Danette turned away for a second, looked back and went, huh... I didn't put her on her tummy, did I? Nope, she rolled over.  And she repeated it two more times with me in the house now.  Even got one on video.  She repeated again this evening, so no fluke. Basically didn't phase Sara one bit.... I guess we have just made that first step into mobile baby land...


Wet weekend...

Another sleepy weekend around here... literally... and now a slow, but busy week We are all still trying to shake this cold. Sara and Danette are recovering and it got its mitts on me the end of last week. Nothing too horribly exciting here. We thought that Sara didn't have day care on Friday due to Rosh Hashanah... but instead, they gave us an old calendar and day care was open. I was going to spend the day with her until we learned that... instead, I did some work and then picked her up early.... we had some fun hanging out, reading books, etc.

Here a couple of pics to see how she has grown. The first one from when Sara was 2 weeks old and the second at 3 months.

And unbelieveably... she is coming up fast on 4 months.


Sunday, September 17, 2006

first sick day...

This is another pic from last week and one of my favorites from that set.

Sara had to come home early Friday and go see the doc... because she had a gunky eye... she is doing mostly better now, though now she is stuffed up... Hopefully she will be doing well by tomorrow. I am starting to get the cold now too... never fun, especially when it is 70+ degrees outside in mid-September.

Other than the first cold of the season running through the house we are just trying to get a bunch of work done... work work, not just housework. Busy work week coming up... speaking of which, I should be doing instead of posting more pics :) ...... Posted by Picasa


Thursday, September 14, 2006

a couple more

Here are a couple more pics that we took of Sara the same day as the last post. The first is doing a little tummy-time on the grass and the second is one of Sara's favorite diversions - an "airplane" when we lift her up of our heads, it gets a smile everytime.

Things are fine here... other than Danette fighting off a little cold or allergies, we seem to be feeling well and doing well. Sara has been getting up in the middle of the night again this week. Changes from night to night. Danette is back to full speed at work and my classes are going pretty well, etc etc.

Maybe this weekend we'll catch up on a little sleep... :) Posted by Picasa


Sunday, September 10, 2006

picture day

Rather than heading to JC Penny we decided to comb Sara's hair and take some pictures of our own... I started out in the morning while Sara was taking her first nap of the day and caught some with the early morning light coming in the house. After that we got her pink dress on and took a few more photos... okay, well maybe 100 or so, but given my rank amateur status, you do what ya gotta do... Sara put up with it all pretty well. There a few more photos below.

Otherwise, things are pretty normal around here... yesterday was errands, house cleaning, and getting some ice cream with some new friends.... today is a potluck picnic at the day care. The only real excitement has been that we put the high-chair together this morning. That was a little more complicated than I thought it would be... and thankfully I have had years of engineering training to compensate for any lack of natural mechanical ability... actually it wasn't that bad, but there were a lot of parts and some so-so diagrams.

Sara is growing and learning more and more. She recently started consciously putting her hands in her mouth... she still whines at the toys she can't fit in her mount too. She has also recently started swatting at the little hanging bug toys on her car seat, which is new and fun to watch. Posted by Picasa


Monday, September 04, 2006

Happy Labor Day

Kind of nice to have a three day weekend, especially to start the Fall semester. We pretty much took it easy this weekend and stuck close to home. We hit the Farmer's market Saturday... but it was pretty slim pickin' due to the rain. Today Danette and Sara had a play date at a local park... and had a great time.

We took these pictures yesterday. Sara is actually being held up by mom in the first one. Sara really likes to go outside and see things... and this works well when she is a little fussy. We think she might be going through a growth spurt at the moment... eating a bit more often and sleeping is more restless... but she and Danette seem to be weathering this growth spurt well.

In other news... actually watched (part of) a repeat of the MTV Video Music Awards from this last week... Jack Black was pretty funny... I was actually a bit surprised that I recognized many of the artists... especially since the first part of the show was mostly hip-hop and rap... obviously some new acts, but some faces that have been around a while too.... what I find ironic is an award show on a network that revolutionized the music industry, but doesn't play videos anymore.... I'll be curious to see if MTV - or videos for that matter - are even relevant to kids as Sara grows up.... it used to be that the 'video killed the radio star'... will it now be the 'iPod killed the video star' or will the video survive the 2 inch LCD screens on MP3-like players of the future?


3-month pic

Just a little picture of Sara on the morning of her 3 month birthday before heading off for the day. Posted by Picasa
