It is the Great Pumpkin's newest little helper, Sara!

We had a decent weekend despite the odd weather around here. Sara is doing well at
5 months ... we had her weighed Monday and she is 18 lb 4 oz... quite the growing girl. She is also exercising some new tricks lately. She rolled from her front to her back, and grand total of once.. not repeated again like the rolling onto her stomach which is pretty much how she plays exclusively now. She has also learned how to rotate around her stomach now working from one (chew) toy to another. It is pretty cute, especially since it happens slowly, so you really only notice when you aren't watching the whole time.
Sara was also quite excited that her St. Louis Cardinals won the World Series... definitely a highlight.
Other than that she is still working on getting over that cold.. and I am beginning to think that she might have taught it some new tricks, because it feels like it is back for round two with me... and I got rid of it a week ago... I thought! Ah well, Danette seems to have mostly escaped this one, which is great.
Happy trick or treating

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