Happy Labor Day

We took these pictures yesterday. Sara is actually being held up by mom in the first one. Sara really likes to go outside and see things... and this works well when she is a little fussy. We think she might be going through a growth spurt at the moment... eating a bit more often and sleeping is more restless... but she and Danette seem to be weathering this growth spurt well.

In other news... actually watched (part of) a repeat of the MTV Video Music Awards from this last week... Jack Black was pretty funny... I was actually a bit surprised that I recognized many of the artists... especially since the first part of the show was mostly hip-hop and rap... obviously some new acts, but some faces that have been around a while too.... what I find ironic is an award show on a network that revolutionized the music industry, but doesn't play videos anymore.... I'll be curious to see if MTV - or videos for that matter - are even relevant to kids as Sara grows up.... it used to be that the 'video killed the radio star'... will it now be the 'iPod killed the video star' or will the video survive the 2 inch LCD screens on MP3-like players of the future?
Labels: Sara
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