Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dazed and... something

All right, well Abby has surpassed that landmark age of 5 weeks now. She is definitely growing, the newborn size clothes that we had to buy when she was born (that we didn't have much of because Sara was bigger) are starting to get snug. She is becoming a bit more interactive and we get occasional grins and odd happy noises. Generally Abby is a pretty good baby, though she is keeping us up and at it a bit more as she has a fussy streak in her - no doubt gas. Otherwise she is well, likes going out, staying in, and is even taking to her "spa" time. She is doing pretty well with taking a bottle from me as well. We haven't been able to try it as often as we probably should, but she hasn't fussed about it one bit any of the times we have tried - which is a good omen I think.

Sara is doing well too. She has been ill the last week, with something. Started as a random fever that came and went and came and went.... that turned into a head cold, and then her first ear infection in two years since she had tubes put in... figures. She even stayed home this last Tuesday to try to catch up on rest. We also skipped swimming lessons today just to make sure she kicks this thing. Though, to be fair to Sara, she did fabulous last week swimming, even starting to swim on her own (with a flotation device and Dad within arm's reach). She motored all over the pool once she figured that feat out.

The weather here has been pretty mild as of late, even got out for a bit in the yard today. Though "they" are calling for snow on Monday.... 'tis Cleveland.

Work has me busy again, though I was distracted trying to follow random threads of info coming out of that March meeting in Houston.

Anyway.... here are those pictures.




Sara swimming



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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Erin go braugh...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Well, spring break is over and I am back to my teaching gig. Abby and Danette are doing well and I am still spending some time at home when I can.

The last week has gone pretty well for the most part. Abby seems to be growing and is awake a bit more most days. She definitely has some long fussy times on occasion, but we are working through those as well. The weather has been a bit more mild lately, which has been a nice change from 3+ weeks ago when Abby was born. We've even gotten out for some walks, brisk and bracing walks at times, but outside nonetheless.

Sara had last Friday off of school for a staff development day, so after dropping my car off at the shop (it is still there, may my its clutch rest in peace) we headed to the Rain Forest at the zoo for the morning. The orangutans were quite active, as were a bunch of other animals. Sara had a great time and Abby slept the whole time.

Saturday we were shut out of the usual swimming lessons... for some reason the teacher didn't show up. So, there was a locker room (two really) filled with multiple, not-so-happy kids from the 3 and younger set. yeah.

Other than that, not a lot of excitement around here. That both UNC and Minnesota made it into the big dance is nice (okay, UNC not really a surprise). The oddity this coming week is that I won't be making my annual pilgrimage to Houston, for what I think will be the first time since the mid 1990's. Odd, but kind of relaxing too.

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Monday, March 09, 2009

Home alone...

Well, sort of.... Grandma and Grandpa D. left yesterday morning - early. So we have been in post grandparent mode for about a day and half now. All is good, calm even as Sara decompresses from that unique grandparent-induced high. Yes, it is true.

Before that though we had a good weekend. Saturday we had a good day of meals, swimming lessons, and rest. Even had some good birthday cake, which Sara may have enjoyed more than anyone else, if that were possible... Whole Foods can make quite the decadent cake. The weather was cloudy, though warm on Saturday still, so while everyone else was still napping, Sara, Grandpa and I took a bike ride/walk around the block (see below).

Yesterday, we pretty much just chilled out for most of the day. We were all pretty tired in general, and the switch from daylight savings didn't help, and Abby had been up a bit more too.

Today, we are getting ready to start transitioning into what will become a more normal routine for the next couple of months before Danette heads back to work. Got Sara into school, did some other stuff and tried to let Danette get a little more sleep... This time next week I'll be back to teaching, so now is the time.

Abby is doing well. She is clearly eating fine, we are starting to see her face fill out a little more we think. Still sleeping like a champ (all the time), except when we want to go to bed. I stayed up with her until she fell asleep last night... a by product is that I am beginning to understand why the show House is popular.

All right, enough chat...

Bike ride time

Guess who has their grump on?

A couple minutes later...

Post-feeding bliss

Sleeping grin

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Thursday, March 05, 2009


Abby is doing well. She had her two week checkup this afternoon and surpassed her birth weight up to 7lbs 7oz now. She is healthy as can be at this point. Everyone else is doing well too.

A couple more pics.

Abby and Grandpa D.

This is my hair after a nice bath.


Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Day 12...

Apologies for the uninteresting titles lately... brain is elsewhere, not sure where, but elsewhere nonetheless....

Anyway, we have been fine here. On Sunday Sara and I took Grandma H. to the airport and then the two of us went out for a late breakfast at a small diner. That was pretty fun and she enjoyed watching everything that was going on.

Sara is enjoying school, as usual. She has so much fun and is used to being so active there. Yesterday she was pretty excited when Grandpa D. came to pick her up since he flew in early yesterday afternoon.

Otherwise, things have sort of been as one would expect for the second week home with a new baby - quiet and sleepy. Abby kept up her string of outings until yesterday, her first day as a true homebody. She seems to be doing well and every once in a while she will wake up for an extended period of time and also show us her eyes. Sleeping is about the same, though she did give us a few longer periods of sleep last night, which was nice. I however, kept waking up expecting her to wake up and need a change and feed. Ah well. Tomorrow she goes back for her 2 week checkup so we'll see how much she has gained/grown and how she is doing overall. Friday, I'll have to go back to work for a while... bunch of meetings and paperwork that must be done - fortunately next week is spring break!

And now for what you are really looking for...

A non-grumpy face, rare and cute.

Gimme a chance, I'll sleep anywhere

Curled up on Mom

Mmmm, tasty shoulder...

Big Sister

My new engineer's cap from Grandpa

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