Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Erin go braugh...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Well, spring break is over and I am back to my teaching gig. Abby and Danette are doing well and I am still spending some time at home when I can.

The last week has gone pretty well for the most part. Abby seems to be growing and is awake a bit more most days. She definitely has some long fussy times on occasion, but we are working through those as well. The weather has been a bit more mild lately, which has been a nice change from 3+ weeks ago when Abby was born. We've even gotten out for some walks, brisk and bracing walks at times, but outside nonetheless.

Sara had last Friday off of school for a staff development day, so after dropping my car off at the shop (it is still there, may my its clutch rest in peace) we headed to the Rain Forest at the zoo for the morning. The orangutans were quite active, as were a bunch of other animals. Sara had a great time and Abby slept the whole time.

Saturday we were shut out of the usual swimming lessons... for some reason the teacher didn't show up. So, there was a locker room (two really) filled with multiple, not-so-happy kids from the 3 and younger set. yeah.

Other than that, not a lot of excitement around here. That both UNC and Minnesota made it into the big dance is nice (okay, UNC not really a surprise). The oddity this coming week is that I won't be making my annual pilgrimage to Houston, for what I think will be the first time since the mid 1990's. Odd, but kind of relaxing too.

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At 2:41 PM, March 18, 2009, Blogger cari c said...

We'll miss you in Houston!!! But I guess we understand why... :)

At 11:41 AM, March 19, 2009, Blogger Ad Astra said...

Enjoy the week at home. You won't miss the thunderstorms in Houston one bit! But we'll miss seeing and chatting with ya.


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