Sahii Spot
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
see mom, I wear the pants in the family

Today was a little more sedate. Julie came over to visit... and we took a couple of walks. We also started making plans for a vacation later this summer to go see Sara's grandparents again and generally relax.... Oh, and we watched that Beckham guy score in the World Cup... he really can bend it... hmm, who knew?
So, Sara seems to be more active all the time, and getting stronger by the day (heck, we both thought she seemed heavier when we put her to bed compared to when we got up this morning... but maybe that is just parental fatigue...)... her back/stomach must be getting strong, because sometimes we sit her up to try to burp her, and if she isn't in the mood.... yeah. We also noticed that some of her hair up front (the fuzzy stuff)... it started falling out (today?), hopefully at least the long stuff stays. her head will get colder otherwise.
Oh, and the picture is from yesterday... one of Sara's favorite positions is the over the shoulder position... of course she loves to schooch down a bit too.

Labels: Sara
Thursday, June 22, 2006
clean as a whistle

Grandma and Grandpa just left about an hour ago... they went to go see Sara's great-grandma on their way back to Duluth... we are still hoping to make a trip up to the northland this summer, so she will hopefully get to see all her grandparents again soon.
She is being pretty good about taking a bottle now, which is good, and it hasn't affected the rest of her feeding as far as we can tell, which is even better. She is grinning more, probably still gas, but it is cool nonetheless. Sara is also holding onto fingers a bit more and is totally increasing the amount of eye contact. She also did a good job sleeping yesterday so that Danette caught up on a couple of ZZZ's as well... Grandpa's singing probably helped there too. In other firsts, she finally tolerated the Baby Bjorn and we had a short walk in it around the block after Grandma and Grandpa left.
Now the real life sets in, Mom and Dad are on their own with Sara from now on... but we are getting the hang of it and Danette has recovered nicely, so hopefully things will continue to go just swimmingly.
Labels: Sara
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
holy double digits batman!
Yup... Sara has hit the big time... and has had a couple of big days this week. Today she saw the doc for a 3 week appointment and made it to 10 lb 1 oz!... her measurements put her at the 75th percentile across the board.... pretty darn good if you ask me. She also had most of her cord fall off this evening, yet another milestone... and she attended her very first museum today. We went to the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage to see pieces of one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Temple Scroll actually. It was a pretty interesting historical exhibit about that era and the scroll was pretty neat too.... Sara of course slept through most of it.
Grandma and Grandpa H. are here and enjoying spending as much time with her as possible.... Grandpa has been singing Irish drinking songs to her when she is fussy.. I guess he has changed a few of the words, but it is fun nonetheless. As usual, she still isn't on much of a schedule... she slept a lot today, and didn't eat that much, and is cluster feeding this evening... it seems she likes to go in a cycle that is slowly rotating through the clock... so we will be getting used to something after a day or two, then it will switch to something else for a day or two, and etc, etc.... more cute pics have accumulated, but not been downloaded recently... so more pics in a future post.
Labels: Sara
Saturday, June 17, 2006
more pics and stuff
More pics are up at
Sara's new thing of the day: Had her first 'social' visit with a bottle. Mom provided the contents. At the lactation class we went to last month they mentioned that there is a small window for most newborns to take to a bottle but keep breastfeeding, usually 3-4 weeks. I am sure this varies widely... but anyway, a social visit is using a small amount of milk in between feedings rather than as a major feeding, kind of like a snack. If it works the first time, you have probably found a bottle type they will like... and we do these social visits every day or two and the breast feeding shouldn't be impacted, but Sara should be happy to take a bottle when necessary... especially when it comes time for day care.
Other realization of the day.... 10 years ago today I started working at Wash U. on my first project as a grad student... my how time flies..........
Labels: Sara
It's gettin' hot out

It is gonna be hot here again, so I guess we will find out if that new A/C unit really works... yesterday was a little warmer, and it seemed normal here, so that's a good sign.
Sara is doing well, a little more active, and is finding her "voice". She has been getting more fussy the last few days. I am guessing that it might have something to do with her usual refusal to burp after eating... but who knows. She also did something new yesterday, held my finger while we had her out for a walk (stroller-style)... previously she only really held onto things that she was putting in her mouth (or holding with her monkey toes!).
Danette drove for the first time yesterday, which I think felt good to her. Otherwise, things are pretty much normal. Not sure we will make it to the farmer's market today.... but we may make some other outing. Danette has chosen a cute red sun dress for Sara today, so maybe we'll get some pic up of that in a few days. And one of these days she is going to try on her University of Michigan (yes, Michigan - Thanks Jo and Joyce!) socks... though today is going to be a little too warm for that.

Labels: Sara
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
never mind the man behind the throne

Sara has been doing a bit of sleeping the last couple of days at night, easily pushing 4 hours at a stretch... but she has done this before, and then gone back to keeping us up... so we'll see what happens.
Yesterday was big.... Cuyahoga county sends out nurses to the homes of first-time mothers for visits to answer questions and provide info on resources... it used to be just for low-income/teens, etc... but apparently they found additional benefit and extended it to everyone... so we had a nurse out in the morning... she provided tons of info, a lot we had heard or knew, but some resources were new... plus she checked up on Sara and Danette. Both are doing well. Sara weighed in at 9 lbs 4 oz only 12 days after birth... pretty good trend. Later that day, Grandma and Grandpa H. arrived for the night before heading down to Columbus for the rest of the week. Needless to say, Sara was well coddled and cuddled by her other Grandparents for the 24 hours they were here.... they will be back Sunday for Father's Day and a longer visit, which will be nice.
Today we saw the grandparents off, got in some mom/daughter naps, and I walked over to the University library near the house to do some writing... I hadn't been there before... since I don't work at that University, but we have reciprocity agreements... and it was very quiet (not a surprise for summer, though) which will probably come in handy over the days and years to come.
Tomorrow we are hoping that Danette gets cleared by the doc to drive and do a few more things... she is recovering well, so it should be fine, we think.
Labels: Sara
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Post-bath thoughts...

Today was pretty lazy... with the exception of Sara being hungry rather often. Kicked back, watched some soccer, Steve did a little writing and then some hedge trimming. Danette did some reading and tried to relax (somewhat unsuccessfully).
Other than that, the day was pretty much chill. Mom introduced Sara to the joys of the Tony awards this evening... which is bound to make an impression because Sara likes singing... even her father's most of the time (which she will undoubtedly grow out of as she hopefully picks up Mom's and some recessive music genes from her Dad's side of the family).

Labels: Sara
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Why do people keep taking my picture?

Sara has been busy learning new things.... turns out she has a cute open-mouthed grin that she uses a little more everyday... and Mom thinks she just watched Sara smile and then laugh in her sleep. She also had another visitor today when Beverly stopped by for a quick visit.
Grandma and Grandpa H. are on their way here for a visit and Sara is anxious to meet her other grandparents. Until then she will just amaze her parents with new stuff everyday.... that, and she will watch the squirrels in the backyard remove the branches from the big maple in back and try to build a nest(?) in the tree... or basically just leave more stuff for me to pick up before I mow the lawn the next time.... ah well.

Labels: Sara
Friday, June 09, 2006
It wasn't me officer... really...

Things are pretty normal here, Grandma D. went home yesterday... then Sara had another outing with Mom and Dad to go look for Father's Day gifts for her grandfathers... she is pretty darn excited about her first holiday (well, Flag Day does come first... but we'll start her on the staples first). Her nights and days are pretty random.. Wednesday night was a long one for Mom (a little less so since Dad slept during part of the feedings as his duties pre- and post-dated feeding)... Last night was the opposite she slept so much (as did we!) that she is caught up....
Today is pretty lazy too. Sara sat with Dad in the morning while he worked on a proposal and Mom had a few minutes to herself and was able to have a quick chat with Cari, whose little Tim is apparently doing quite well. On tap for later is maybe another walk around the block... but now, little Sara is watching her very first World Cup Soccer game (Germany vs Costa Rica)

Labels: Sara
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
One week old, Go Sara!
Sara is doing well... still above the curve in our minds. She had another outing with her Mom and Grandma today and did very well. Sara is such a strong little girl, she likes to kick all over the place and lift her head (and hold it for a few seconds!) all the time. She has even found her fingers several times and is fond of sucking on them. Sara has had a pretty good first week and is concentrating on eating a little more every day it seems. It is amazing how she has changed already.... she has so many facial expressions... the best is when she holds them for several minutes while she is sleeping - very funny. She is getting better at sleep (knock on wood).... we got sleep in two-to-three our blocks last night instead of 15-45 minute blocks.... which was nice, but we will see if that lasts. Sara has also been getting a daily dose of fresh air on all her outings and at dinner time... the weather has been nice around here lately, so we have been grilling out in the evening and eating outside... it isn't even buggy yet, so it has been good so far...
Grandma D. is headed home tomorrow - we had been getting a good hour or two head start on sleep because the two night owls in the family would keep each other company for a while. In any event, now we have to figure out how to do this on our own. I had gone into work for a few hours each of the last three days why Grandma was here to get things moving... I'll take the next few days so that we can start to work out our kinks on our own.
In other news: our friends Ben and Cari (who was due 1 week after Danette) had their first baby today, 1 week after us - also 8 days late.... Little Timothy was born at 4:30 today.... welcome to the world Timothy!
Labels: Sara
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Some of Sara's many poses...

The first pic is outside on the patio... nice to see those eyes open.
Next is a little burping action.

And finally she is doing a little posing in Dad's arms, and using that elbow to kick back... she is already a little ham, even when she sleeps!

Labels: Sara
Monday, June 05, 2006
Sleep is for the weak...
I once lived by that statement (coined by Stan I think) back when I worked night security in Pioneer Hall in college.... It was a little easier when not sleeping at night was my job, instead of having a day job too....
Sara is doing great, eating all the time, often hourly when it is dark out.... somehow she looks like an angel through it all. She had her first outing this afternoon to see her pediatrician for the first time and she did a great job and wasn't too fussy. I think she might take another outing with Mom and Grandma D. this afternoon to do some shopping for mom.
Me, I am trying to keep some fires at work going... met with my students and now onto some other stuff.... that nap at 9:30am this morning was a big help.... time to restart that caffeine addiction.
Time to bring home some bacon....
Update: I forgot to add that Sara had her first non-family visitor (and an international one at that!) yesterday. Our friend Bini stopped by for a quick hello.
Labels: Sara
Sunday, June 04, 2006
I'm home!

We've received so many messages of a happiness that we can't thank everyone enough for their kind thoughts. Sara is definitely a well-loved little girl... A couple more pics are up at flickr...
Labels: Sara
Friday, June 02, 2006
family self portrait

Sara is still doing great.. passing all tests. She passed her hearing test last night and everything else is going well, she is quite the champ. Mom got a little rest last night, and is up and walking around now. We are hoping Sara and Danette come home tomorrow, otherwise it will be Sunday. Danette has run into 2 women from her yoga class in the hospital, 1 gave birth the same day, and we saw 2 from Lamaze, 1 gave birth the same day. May 31st was a busy day at Hillcrest.
In other news, the new A/C is in.. just needs a few touchups monday morning, but it runs now.
more picks at
Labels: Sara
Thursday, June 01, 2006
She's Here!

Born: 05/31/2006 @ 2:59 pm
Weight: 8 lbs 7 oz
Length: 21 1/4 inches
Little Sara was born yesterday afternoon. Both mother and child are doing very well. (and dad is just perpetually amazed).

More pics and news over the days and weeks to come. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and interest.
Welcome to the world Sara!

Labels: Sara