miles and miles, months and months....
Is it still 2009? Yeah, it has been that kind of couple of months.
Last post was the first week of soccer; soccer ended over a week ago. It rained almost every Saturday morning, several canceled games, but still Sara had a lot of fun... played lots of "goalie" with several teammates and other times ran around the field hold her coach's hand (the coach's other hand was usually holding her daughter's hand). She even got to kick-off one game and enjoyed that.
Abby crawls, pulls-up, tries to climb, wants to be walking (and has since she first started crawling). She is also feeding herself as much as she can (does not like Mom, Dad, or daycare caregivers to do it most of the time). Abby also broke through two teeth in the last week. We have also been fighting ear infections one on top of the other... as fast as they have been coming we may be on target for tubes for her too, but only time will tell.
Both girls have had their flu shots, and probably the flu as well.... We get lots of smiles and lots of outright defiance... from both of them. We (half) joke that Sara is 3 going on 13.... Sara still loves being a big sister and gives Abby lots of hugs and kisses and is excited to see and help her as much as she can... but she is also still adjusting, always wants to try Abby's baby cereal (every time), lots of wanting to be picked up or carried right after Abby, etc. Also, she still isn't much of a fan of Daddy traveling, at least as measured in behavioral terms, but then again he'd rather be with her too. Grandma H. at least came for a visit for one of my recent trips, which was a big help... Dad on two coasts in two weeks is not the norm in this family, but sometimes it has to be done.
Oh... and trick-or-treating was a big hit this year.
All right, I have probably missed a 1000 interesting tidbits here and there, but here a few pics that actually came out when they weren't running around (too fast).

Riding a Pony!!!

Penguin ready to go to Boo at the Zoo
Dancing ladybug at the Zoo