Sunday, August 16, 2009

Abby in July and August

Only pics of Abby this time, all that got uploaded, but at least there are a few of them.

The last month has been well, you know, busy. Grandma and Grandpa H. have been here and left, Rew was back for another visit for work, I completed another jury duty run. A week ago Danette made her first overnight trip away from since Abby was born. It went reasonably well.

Abby is doing well, growing like a weed, smiling and happy most of the time. She is able to sit up on her own for short periods now, and often prefers that as it is easier to chew on whatever toy is within reach, she really likes the assortment of blocks that we have lately. Abby is also doing a good job with cereal too. She wasn't too fond of the rice cereal, but oatmeal is another story. In a telling example of how every kid is different, we just recently realized that when she starts getting fussy while eating cereal, it isn't necessarily that she is full, but just thirsty. Sara never was like that. So Abby has been taking a little milk from a sippy-cup and that has smoothed things a bit. As we are coming up to her 6 month birthday this week we introduced squash at lunch today and she seemed fine with it, so we are moving along there.

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