Abby at 2 months...
Well, Abby had her 2 month weigh-in... er checkup... today. All is pretty well with her, except maybe a little reflux. She has made great progress in weight, jumping 25-50 percentile points, now at 11 lbs 5 oz and 22.125 inches long. She is doing well in that department, and seems to have been on a growth spurt of late too. She also had a whole rash of shots today, so she is not exactly happy with her parents at the moment. Though it was pretty cool that one of the immunizations was oral this time rather than a shot, which is different from when Sara was this age.
We are starting to see even more smiles and cooing. She has been a big fan of mobiles the last week or two, and shiny objects and mirrors are catching her attention too. She is definitely getting bigger and stronger all the time. Hard to believe that two weeks from now she'll be in day care like her big sister.
This past weekend was pretty good. The weather on Saturday was fabulous. We started out with some father/daughter haircut time at the barber shop for Sara's second haircut which looks quite cute. We also had a whole bunch of other activities like the first trip to the outdoor farmer's market, getting to see Aunt Jo and Joyce, time at the park, and dinner with friends. We even got in some playing as well. One of the highlights of Aunt Jo's visit was a present to Sara of some "Solar Slime" (which she calls the gooey stuff). Basically it is gooey stuff that changes color in the sunlight. She wasn't too sure at first about playing with goo, but now she asks to go outside and play with it a lot, especially when it is cloudy and raining!
Anyway, the girls are doing relatively well... pics below.
The growing girl...
Big Smile
Happy arm full
New Haircut