Duck Watching

So, after the last post and Sara woke up from her nap we went for a trip to the park and then decided to tack on a ride out to the outlet mall where they have a duck pond. I happened to have the camera along and was able to snap this photo. She had a lot of fun feeding the ducks and watching everything.... Dinner afterward didn't go as well, and foreshadowed yet another Sunday of little girl illness.... she got the grocery store this time. It is looking like she has had some major viruses that just won't go away. She seems to getting more life into her this week, so we are very hopeful that she's over it now.
In other odds and ends, I was wearing a new U of MN hat this week to protect my ever more visible scalp from the sun and ended up meeting not 1, not 2, but 3 (yes 3!) people that had gone to the U! One outside some shops earlier in the day, and 2 guys at the park with their kids.... I don't think I have met another alum from the U that way before, and then 3 in one day.
I don't have any pics downloaded, but the house painting is progressing nicely. It is really starting to look good. They had to knock off early today because of a big downpour this morning that soaked everything about 2 hours after they got started, but the rest of the week looks good and it might even be done by the weekend. Will be nice to have that big 'to do' (or really, 'to have someone else do') crossed of the list.
Labels: Sara