Yes, it had to happen... Sara learned the power and beauty of the word NO over the weekend... she understood it before that, but not it has become her favorite word. Ah well, I suspect that another word will become popular in the next few weeks, since the last favorite word was "bowl" as in please give me a bowl and fill it with food.
Sara is doing well... she had her 18 month appointment last week, took her shots no problem, only about 30 sec of crying (though the doc did get a bit of an evil eye afterwards). She is still 90th percentile across the board, 27lbs 9oz and 33.25 inches tall (she actually had to stand for the first time to get her height/length!). Sara has also been in a bit of a Daddy's girl phase the last couple of weeks... she goes back and forth, though this phase is a little stronger than previous ones.... Mom likes it because it extends even to a preference for diaper changing sometimes...
Sara has also been moved up to the next room at day care... her transition week went great, though she has been far more clingy at drop off this week and hasn't completely warmed up to her new teacher yet... it sort of went that way in the last room too... she does well and has fun, but still isn't sure its the exactly right place yet. But she sits at a table to eat and they use cups, and no more crib at school. I thought the latter would be the big issue, but it is no problem apparently... I think peer-pressure is at work.
We are getting ready for the holidays and Sara has been helping and having a great time of it. One of her favorite activities, in addition to dancing to the "Elfyourself" videos is to dance to the holiday singing snowmen in the house... she likes to carry the one decked in U of Minnesota gear around and get it to play all the time... she may have given it a little too much love as his dancing skills have deteriorated as of late, but hey, that's the way the cookie crumbles...

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