Thursday, February 26, 2009

Abby is 6 (days old)

Yup, she's been home for a few days now and is doing well. She is eating a ton and sleeping pretty well too (as evidenced by the photos below). Abby often falls off to sleep pretty easily, though not always when Mom and Dad would like her too (read: night). Still, she's being pretty adorable. We still don't see a lot of her eyes, but a bit more here and there.

Sara has been very good with her little sister. She wants to give Abby hugs and kisses, hold her hand (though she doesn't always understand why Abby doesn't always help out on that one), and hold her. Sara has also been helping with getting the diapers. She is being quite the big sister.

Abby has had several outing so far. She went to a grocery store on Tuesday, Target yesterday, and her first walk around the block today because it is in the 40's and supposed to reach 50 this afternoon. Little Miss Abigail also has her first visit to the doctor's office this afternoon, so that will be another outing as well. All these outing have been good walking for Danette and she is feeling better and stronger all the time.

Let's see, other first for Abby have been her first (sponge) bath at home and her first Skype video calls. She got to see how big Riley has gotten and she did some on-screen wiggling for Grandpa H.

Well, that's about it, there are a bunch of pics below.

A favorite pose...

... in a favorite place.

Mom and Abby

oh yeah...

Warming up after my first bath

Out for my first walk around the block

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