Saturday, February 21, 2009

One day old now..

Okay, what you are really here for first:

Sleeping, one of many activities she excels at...

Yawning in Grandma's arms


So, Abby and Danette are well. The little one slept really well the first night - on a full stomach no less. She is excelling in many departments, as is her mother. She's quite the sleepy one, but very sweet. She is eating like a champ and so far fusses very little (heck, she didn't even cry during the PKU test from what the nurse said). We still aren't sure what the eye color is, as little miss Abigail doesn't grace us with a view that often. They are definitely dark, and presumably will turn brown like her big sister's. The dark hair is pretty killer, very soft and does its own thing - just amazing how dark it is. Danette is doing well and moving around a lot and generally feeling pretty well. She also got lucky and was moved to a (huge) private room this afternoon. That has been so much more quiet (more because of the location) and easier to move around and have Sara visit in. Hopefully there will be a lot more rest in this room too!

Today was a whirlwind with a lot of tag-team action going on. I was with them early in the morning, came home to take Sara to her first swimming lesson of the year and Grandma headed into the hospital. After lunch, Grandma came home and I went back, then after naptime, Sara and Grandma came for a visit and dinner with the whole family.

Sara has been looking forward to swimming lessons for a while, so we made sure to make it to this one and she did great. She was kicking and moving and playing up a storm in the water. She didn't want to get out, but she was so cold and shivering that I had to cut her off a little early. Didn't like that, but she did enjoy the warm shower.

We have had lots of well wishes - thank you so much! We are certainly enjoying our time and looking forward to all being home (Monday sometime). We have also been very luck to have Grandma H. here to help out, and Sara has been so excited to have a Grandma to play with, especially Uno.

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At 12:25 PM, February 22, 2009, Blogger Meyer-Dombard said...

Wow! I LOVE her hair. It looks so fabulous. So glad she's eating and sleeping well so far!

Sara is going to be such an awesome big sister! I wish I had a big sister like her!

At 3:01 PM, February 22, 2009, Blogger Ad Astra said...

Welcome to the world, Abby. You have your own sense of style (And I daresay that my own infant pictures show that I sported a strikingly similar hairstyle! Guess it is back in vogue.) Keep treating your folks so nicely and it will work wonders for you!

Sara is a pro! No training necessary.

At 3:23 PM, February 22, 2009, Blogger Blandix said...

Just want to say - she's gorgeous! What an absolute doll. And the pic of Sara with Abby is fantastic. She looks so happy.

At 5:55 PM, February 22, 2009, Blogger Meyer-Dombard said...

I was just comparing Abby with Sara's newborn can definitely tell they're sisters! Abby's nose might be a bit different (?) They're both so pretty!

At 7:32 PM, February 22, 2009, Blogger cari c said...

I really have to say that the hair is awesome. We thought E had lots but she is bald in comparison! I can not wait to feel that fuzz! So sweet! So glad it is all going well with eating and sleeping! And Sara looks so proud!


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