Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We're all home...

Everyone got checked out yesterday and we even had lunch at home. Abby and Danette are doing well, to say the least. Abby is quite the sleeper. In fact she slept through the whole checkout, discharge, ride home, and lunch.

Ready to go home!

Sleeping after a little lunch

Abby is quite a strong girl already. She is constantly pulling up and often holding her head up for a bit. Her legs are pretty darn strong too, something we have learned during copious diaper changes.

Head up, but no burp - as usual.

Just because...

"No, those are her hands!" - Sara

Abby has quite the toes, so much so that her big sister pronounced them hands the first time that she saw them. Sara has been a good big sister so far, helping a bit, and wanting to hold her sister and asking Abby to hold her hand. Can tell that she's also trying to understand what this whole new baby thing means, and she's doing pretty well so far. With Grandma here she's getting good time from everyone. Other than that she is just being herself.

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At 7:23 PM, February 24, 2009, Blogger cari c said...

Love that bottom lip - and toes not dissimilar to Sara's at birth! http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2080/684/640/140_40391.jpg

At 3:38 PM, February 25, 2009, Blogger Blandix said...

Agree with Cari's comment re: the lip!!! What a sweet face. Glad everyone is home and found well!


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