Saturday, February 07, 2009

T-13 days

Yup, we are under the 2 week mark until the baby is here. Danette is doing well and apparently so is the little one. We are calmly and slowly getting a few last things together, but the calmness may be disbelief that we will have another baby around two weeks from now...

We had another week of crazy snow, and now it is melting away and near 50F outside. I have spend more time using my roof rake than I would like too, but it does seem to help keep the amount of ice buildup around the gutters down a bit.

Sara is doing well, of course. This week has been interesting because the young lady who usually falls off to sleep very quickly has been doing quite the opposite the last week to ten days. She has been routinely yapping to herself for at least 45 minutes to as long as 1 1/2 hours after we put her to bed; it doesn't matter if it is a nap (just shy of an hour of talking/singing today) or bedtime. Needless to say, something is going on. I suspect it is related to a noticeable jump in her imagination lately. Even her teachers have commented on it, in fact we got a note home from day care/school saying how busy she was that day with her buddies including getting in the car and driving to Minnesota for ice cream. The girl has never had ice cream in Minnesota, she was far too young the last time she was there, so she came up with it all on her own. Anyway, it is an interesting and often fun development.

Below are just some pics of Sara that I snapped while trying to get used to my new camera lens. These are nice because it his her face rather than her hair or neck that is in focus... I am getting better at it though.

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At 7:35 AM, February 10, 2009, Blogger nathanhellman said...

Keep us posted! Hope everything goes well!

At 11:12 AM, February 11, 2009, Blogger Ad Astra said...

Gorgeous pictures!

Take care and rest up!!


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