Wednesday, February 11, 2009

9 days (or less)

For those keeping score at home, only 9 days (or less) until the baby-to-be-named later is born. Danette is doing well and still on track - no signs yet of anything imminent. We did ask the doc yesterday if he had a guess of how big the little one will be and he thought something in the 7 lb range. That would be about right if this kid is following the same trajectory as Sara, just a couple of weeks earlier.

Otherwise, things are okay. Sara had a rough day at school yesterday, rather defiant about wanting to quietly take her nap... apparently reinforcements were required. Of course, she woke up way too early upon hearing rain in the middle of the night, so that probably had something to do with it.

Anyway, we are just going about our business as usual.....

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