Tuesday, January 31, 2006

checkup and checkout

That was the nature of our morning... Danette had an appt with the doc this morning for a routine checkup of the progress of the pregnancy. All was/is well, looks like the baby must be growing (at the very least it is kicking/swimming a lot) and the heartbeat was good... next time is the standard glucose test, though we have to a wait for a special order for that one - the lab only stocks orange which usually has a yellow food dye which doesn't agree with my fair wife... but there are other options. After the appt we went and checked out a day care provider that takes infants (most places don't start taking kids until 18 mo to three years)... the nice thing about this place is that we know four families that take their kid(s) there - all with pretty good results... seems like a nice place and the program mostly reasonable... food especially - no refined sugars or preservatives - ever... Though I must admit there is one thing on their lunch menu everyday that I could not tolerate - beets... the world's worst vegetable, and possibly the worst food as far as I am concerned - I can't image how much time and energy my parents wasted trying to get me to eat those horribly wretched things... anyway if we take our kid there, I will be interested to see how the beets fare (Danette has a similar aversion to bananas)... we are both interested in the results.



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