when I was a greyhound...
So, "nesting" took brief hold in our house today and Danette decided that closets needed to be re-everythinged before the baby arrives... anyway a big closet got completely emptied this afternoon, and with it a few boxes of stuff from high-school (the greyhound reference for the non-Duluthians) and earlier.
Now most of this stuff is sports cards that my brother and I kept as kids (and maybe a tad bit after that), mainly of the baseball variety (I preferred Topps). These are mainly cards from the late 80's and early to mid 90's, so cards from the heyday of guys like Al Newman, Jeff Reardon (recently in the news, unfortunately), Vince Coleman, and many others. They seem to be in good condition. There are even some basketball cards, presumably my brother's, though I blame those on the influence of Nate for some reason - whether he had anything to do with it, I can't really remember. A bunch of them are still organized by teams, though a lot are in boxed sets, some complete, others not.
The strangest items in boxes included some notes and homework from some of my classes in high-school. That was fun and weird at the same time. I still had notes from American History with Mr. Moe and Biology with Mrs. Mendoza (and yes we learned about evolution, including a whole bunch on Darwin!). Even Spanish notes for some reason - no idea why they were kept, but oh well. The interesting ones were from the two AP classes I took, English and European History. Five paragraph essays for english and analyzing "documents" for European history... heck I even had the questions from the two AP exams I took... I certainly couldn't answer some of those questions today... I am sorry to say that I do not remember much of the origins of pan-slavism! Still, it was interesting to look at them, before most of them hit the recycle bin....
Labels: baby-to-be1
It's clear to me that Al Newman was robbed of the AL MVP in 1989, the year he hit a career high of .253.
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