Sunday, February 21, 2010

Abby's 1

So, Abby turned 1 yesterday. Where did the year go? How did she grow so much? When did she start sleeping through the night? Well, maybe not that last one...

Been the usual "busy" around here the last few months... So way behind on news and pics. This post isn't going to fix all that, but at least it will be a start.

So, things you may have missed because you weren't told.

(1) Abby can walk... since the first of the year actually, but she took several weeks to repeat the act and now is always on the move.

(2) Abby got tubes in her ears last month. Way too many ear infections and antibiotics - heck the doctor called what he pulled out of her ears as "thick snot."

(3) Abby is probably hearing better now because she will not take naps at day care anymore.

(4) Abby has many teeth.

(5) Abby has another ear infection... she really knows how to get the nice bugs. Fortunately treating it is easier when the tubes are there.

(6) Abby babbles more now... only a good 4-5 sounds typically, but they have some meaning (book, puff {any cheerio like thing counts}, mama {which, of course, means more}, dada {doesn't mean me, but we don't know what it means either})

(7) Cheerios rock.

(8) Instead of writing this post, I should probably be turning around her car seats in the hope that she will not cry as much in the car.

We had a party for her yesterday, which was quite fun. Here are a couple more pics from yesterday.

Cupcakes made by our friend and party participant, the proprietor of Cupid Cupcakery and yes, they tasted as least as good as they look.

For a girl that already loves all things bread and cake, she was not happy about this... probably because we put her back in the high-chair and she really hates being confined, I mean really.



At 1:40 PM, February 23, 2010, Blogger Kristin Lawrence said...

Abby is adorable! I hope the tubes help the ear infections. Yucky. And at some point you're going to have to tell me your camera lens secret, all your shots have the best color. But maybe it's just your beautiful daughters!

At 10:45 PM, February 23, 2010, Blogger cari c said...

Happy Birthday to Abby! Can't wait to celebrate with her this weekend! Bring me a cupcake. :)


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