4 months...
Yeah, I'm behind, but things are even more of a whirlwind now it seems. So, for the highlights.
Abby had her 4 month appt on Friday afternoon, she is happy and healthy. 24" tall and 14 lbs 11 oz. 40-70th percentile on everything. Abby also took to rolling over last week, just back to front and only one direction, but great none the less. Even had to get up in the middle of the night to flip her back over at least once. The doc also said we could start trying some solid food. We tried a couple of bowls of fabulous rice cereal... no major complaints, but she isn't beggin for more yet. Still, pretty early so I am sure she'll pick it up fine. She likes her food fine even if she doesn't share the full on passion for it that her big sister has. Abby is good and smiley too and we have been getting lots of squawking. She is as irregular as ever on the sleeping, last week was bad on mom and dad, sometimes up every hour (thinking growth spurt). Got a bit more sleep last night, thankfully. Abby also had a whole host of shots on Friday, not a big fan and a little mellow afterwards, pretty typical it seems.
Sara is doing well too, growing up a storm. This week she will start transitioning to the preschool room. Hard to believe we have a preschooler on our hands. She is still full of why, exuberance, and a good dose of defiance, but it is a lot better than two months ago, a whole lot better. She is having fun being active. We have taken some tricycle rides and just got a T-ball set for her. That has been fun in the backyard.... and of course, working in the gardens. She continues to show her sister a lot of love and is clearly enjoying that Abby is becoming more interactive. A big highlight this last week was when I picked the girls up just a bit early and we got home in time to watch the LRO launch on the computer. Sara has been all about watching the replay and Space Shuttle, and even a Soyuz video ever since. It is nice to know that she can appreciate a nice rocket launch too :)
Last weekend we had the pleasure of a visit from the Swiss Family Dombard. It was our first time to see little Riley, who ain't so little anymore. We had a good time hanging out (literally in Rew's case - see below) and visiting the park.
Other than that, it has been pretty typical summer stuff - farmer's market on Saturdays, maybe a trip to the park, and too much work during the week. We did sneak in a trip to the ball game this last week with a some friends. Alas, the home team did not win, and given the interleague play, that didn't help our beloved Cards either. Tomorrow our next out-of-town visit begins with the arrival of Grandma D. for a week.
Happy father's day everyone!
Nice Hat
punk rocker, even in the tub
Abby's first solid food
me and my mom
I know my mom loves me

Sara wearing the highly sought after birthday hat at school
That slide.
This is how I fly like an airplane
Rew hanging out
Backyard fun
ooohh, swing!
What? Solid food already (didn't you have to wait 6 months for Sara because of your family allergy history)? And she's only 1 lb 5 oz smaller than Evie was at her 6 month. And we were told we had a big baby! Wow. Go Danette milk go! Grow that baby girl! She is even cuter and S is cute as ever. Riley, D and Rew too! Wait - and Steve and Danette of course. :)
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