Pre-school, rolling, and other good stuff
So, it looks like it has been about three weeks since the last update. What have we been up to? A lot actually, especially the girls. Sara started full-time as a pre-schooler two weeks ago now. She is doing quite well in the new room and adjusting to there being more kids and more structured things to do. I think the class size will go back down a little in the fall when the older kids head of to kindergarten, but this is a good way to get in the groove this summer. Pre-schoolers get to use BigWheels at school and other fun stuff, so it has been a good time so far. The naps have gotten a bit shorter, which works against us at night, but we are managing. The last two weekends Sara has been taking really long naps on the weekend because she is so tired, and that seems to help too.
Abby is moving and grooving, literally. She has been rolling over non-stop for a few weeks now, and a bit before that too. She is not too adept at rolling from her stomach to her back (unless she is swaddled and asleep), but she flips over all the time now. We never know where we are going to find her in her crib now, even if we are in there only minutes a part. Abby is doing well at day care too, takes good long naps there... the sleeping at night though is so hit and miss it is crazy. About one night every two weeks we get a decent, maybe 6 hour stretch, other than that, we are up at least every 2-3 hours. Granted, often that is just to replace a pacifier, but not always. She has also been expressing a preference for stomach sleeping... she loves to roll so much that she would rather sleep on her stomach a fair portion of the time. This isn't a real surprise to us as even as a much smaller baby she would do her best to at least sleep on her side if she could manage it.
We had a good weekend over the 4th. We went on a nice walk through one of the nearby parks one morning and saw all sorts of animals, birds, and plant life. We also got in some playground time, and even a trip to the pool which was a big hit. Heck, we even hit the zoo the weekend before. Yesterday we did our usual morning at the Farmer's market, and followed that up with a quick visit to the Art Fair, cut short by (much needed) thunderstorms. And last night we went back to the Square and listened to a Brazilian music band and had some ice cream. This morning, Abby was up a bit early, so I decided to take her out for a long stroller walk. She hasn't had many of those around the neighborhood as Sara is limited in interest and probably endurance to shorter walks at the moment as she does not ride in a stroller much anymore. A very nice morning, but unfortunately a little too early to pick up coffee and the corner shop on the way back to the house...
Anyway, how about some pictures....

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