Let the holidays begin...
So, I am back from a week-long meeting in San Fran and ready for the holiday "break" (yeah, I am still going to work this next week, at least a couple of days...). I followed up my landing after a redeye flight with some xmas shopping and a little catnap.
Anyway, Sara did reasonably well while I was gone, though it appears that we have reached the age where she truly does "miss" a parent being gone now... just to make it even easier to travel...
Danette is doing well, and so is the baby, it seems it grew even in the four days that I was gone somehow. Grandma and Grandpa D flew in last night for the holiday, so the holiday has truly begun.
Today we took Sara to a holiday concert for young kids (3-6) at Severance Hall. A very fun brass quintet from the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra did a wonderful job of playing great music and teach about their instruments... Sara was full with an amazed and exhilarated smile the whole time. She had been looking forward to this day all week and it clearly did not disappoint.
Given that the holidays are upon us there will undoubtedly be more pictures to come, but here are a few taken in the last couple of weeks.
Sara in a new coat that she wore to the concert
At the concert
Sara and Danette

Self-portrait for two
Labels: baby-to-be2, Danette, Sara
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