Monday, May 01, 2006

Web nursery

It is still another 3 weeks and 1 day until the baby's due date, but I thought I would pass along the link that might have the first picture of him or her online, provided by the hospital. Go to the Web Nursery at Hillcrest Hospital and click on the month (May unless the kid is more than a week overdue). And then look for the name - if you don't know the kid's name when you start looking (no last names are used) and are just poking around, the page with the baby's picture will also have the parents' first names

Danette had another checkup this morning - all is well. The doctor hedged a little this time, but figured we would most likely see him in the office again next week. After that we stopped off at the fire station and got the car seats checked and those are ready to go now.

In other news, today should be the last day that Spiderman 3 is filming in Cleveland.

Have a great Monday!



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