Saturday, May 20, 2006


is a virtue, right?  Well, I think my (our) level of being virtuous may have hit its peak.  With three days to go until the "due date" we are getting a little anxious.  Of course, both sets of grandparents-to-be called early this morning too in order to find out what was happening.... in this case, no news is... no news.  In Danette's prenatal yoga class today, there was a woman there that is 6 days past her due date.  I like good surprises... but I'd be happy with a little clarity on the timing thing here...

Anyway, we're gonna go see the Davinci Code this afternoon.  Hopefully nothing like what we heard happened in Grand Forks is happening here... apparently someone stole the lenses off of all the projectors in the multiplex that was going to show the Davinci Code.... no one knows why for sure, but with all the protestors that didn't learn the difference between fiction and non-fiction in school, who knows.  I sometimes wonder why certain groups get so concerned about the contents of fiction...



At 11:48 AM, May 21, 2006, Blogger cari c said...

Sorry nothing is happening there either. No news for us from Friday's appointment except the baby has dropped. They started talking induction for us, too. Scare the little person out that way! We are going to try to induce labor by going to see Depeche Mode tonight at an outdoor theater. Probably just the thing we'll need - to be as far from the hospital as we can, with as little chance of getting out of there easily!


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