Sunday, April 13, 2008

wet weekend

The week started off great here and then got colder and more wet. Sara is having a somewhat rougher time now it seems... maybe it just that we are approaching the 'twos', but she is also noticeably more tired as well. In fact, in the morning, even if she is awake when we go into her room, she will invariably say 'turn the light off, I sleeping!' Amusing for us at least. All the extra fresh air and exercise may be tiring her out too, as may a growth spurt. Regardless, the whining, even about stuff that she is excited about is getting a little old, but ah well, that's life with a toddler, we'll see what next week brings.

It has been a little wet this weekend for a trip to the park... they actually called for snow/rain mix today (thankfully no snow yet!). Yesterday we took our first trip to the outdoor Farmer's Market, but it was quick and damp. Today, while Mom was meeting some of her friends for coffee, Sara and I went to the Children's Museum. There they have a really big water table - Sara's favorite. Below is a picture of her having fun, and having the table to herself as we got there early enough that she didn't have to elbow her way in this time!



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