a walk in the park
basically t-shirt weather here today after Sara's nap... so we went to the park again... it was quite busy today, compared with empty last week. Sara had a lot of fun again, and chose to wear her new hat and sunglasses. After that she accompanied her parents to that most import rite of spring, the first trip to the home/garden store. Another dinner on the bbq, and a walk around the block. Oh, and during the nap Dad installed a FireWire card and can now download video... maybe some video clips at some point in the future.

Time to dig in the sand.

Top of a big slide...

Weeeee... swing time

after dinner walk in one of my other hats...
In case you were wondering, Dad finally got most of the camera stuff installed on the computer at home and transfered over... so on weekends he can catch up. He really likes the built-in card-reader and now the firewire card.... it also gives him something to do since UNC lost so badly last night in the Final Four....
Labels: Sara
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