Saturday, May 27, 2006

T-plus 1 weekend

Danette's mom made it in fine yesterday.... though Danette finds it a little odd to know that she won't be going back to work for a few months now, which is pretty understandable.  Both Danette's mom and her boss at work think that today is the day for the baby... no signs yet, though.

So, pretty much a typical weekend here, trip to the farmer's market, Danette's prenatal yoga, and probably off to see X-Men 3.  Hey, we figure that we might as well take the opportunity to see some movies before we have to settle for DVD or HBO or to find a sitter.  On the other hand, we were checking out the new Sony Style store that opened at the mall yesterday and they had a couple of nice HD-TV's (1080p) that could be a decent substitute for a movie theater with the right sound system :P



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